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Title: FAR 2016/67 A survey of the Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) population (OYU 5) in commercial fishery areas and the status of bonamia (Bonamia exitiosa) in February 2016.
FAR-2016-67-Foveaux-Strait-Oysters.pdf (1.8 MB)
The 2016 Foveaux Strait survey found the recruit-sized, pre-recruit and small oyster populations increased from 2015. Recruit-sized oysters in core strata increased from 351.4 million oysters in 2015 (CV 8%) to 385.2 million oysters in 2016 (CV 11%). Bonamia infection levels decreased markedly in 2016. Summer mortality was much lower, 16.2 million recruit-sized oysters (4.2% of the population), than in 2015 (13.1%). The declining trend in the oyster population since 2012 has levelled off in 2016. Any rebuilding of the recruit-sized population is likely to be slow.
FAR: 2016/67;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-456-7;
ScienceStock: shellfish;
Species: Bonamia exitiosa; Ostrea chilensis; oyster;
Stock: OYU5;
ResearchField: bonamia; Fouveaux Strait; Oyster; OYU5;
Author: Forman; Hulston; Michael; Sutherland;
Title: FAR 2015/ 73 A survey of the Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) population (OYU 5) in commercial fishery areas and the status of bonamia (Bonamia exitiosa) in February 2015.
FAR-2015-73-Foveaux-Strait-oyster-Feb-2015.pdf (2.0 MB)
The February 2015 Foveaux Strait survey was the second in a new time-series of bonamia and oyster surveys incorporating a fully randomised, two-phase design, and the same survey area and strata. Recruit-sized oysters declined by 35% and pre-recruits by 40% since 2014, and numbers of small oysters remained low. The summer mortality from bonamia was 13.1%, down from 18.3% in 2014. Heightened bonamia mortality and continued low recruitment is expected to result in a downward trend in the population.
FAR: 2015/73;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-107-8;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: bonamia; Ostrea chilensis; Oyster;
ResearchField: Bonamia; Bonamia exitosa; Foveaux Strait; oyster; randomised two-phase design;
Author: Forman; Hulston; Michael;
Title: FAR 2015/39 New qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) and haematological sampling methods for monitoring Bonamia exitiosa infections and oyster (Ostrea chilensis) mortality in the Foveaux Strait fishery (OYU 5).
FAR_2015_39_2729_OYS2011-01 Objectives 2; Milestone 4.pdf (1.0 MB)
A new qPCR method to detect Bonamia exitiosa in oysters from Foveaux Strait comprises a duplex qPCR assay for the co-amplification of the Bonamia target and the Ostrea chilensis β-actin gene, shortened lab procedures, and a block to allow effective co-amplification. This method has greater sensitivity and specificity than heart imprints (performance coefficient of 0.73 when compared to qPCR heart samples and 0.61 for gill samples), and is more cost-effective, but requires further development.
FAR: 2015/39;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-908334-95-7;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: Bonamia exitiosa; Ostrea chilensis; Oysters;
Stock: OYU5;
ResearchField: Bonamia exitiosa; Ostrea chilensis; qPCR;
Author: Forman; Hulston; Maas; Mackay; McVeagh; Michael;
Title: FAR 2014/49 The status of infection by bonamia (Bonamia exitiosa) in Foveaux Strait oysters (Ostrea chilensis) in February 2013, estimates of summer disease mortality, and implications for the projections of future stock status made in the 2012 stock assessment for OYU 5.
FAR_2014_49_2705_OYU2012-01 Objective 1, Milestone 7.pdf (3.9 MB)
A survey of Foveaux Strait oysters in February 2013 sampled commercial fishery areas for oyster population size and bonamia. The recruit-sized oyster population increased from 585.3 million in 2012 to 644.9 million in 2013. The density of pre-recruit and small oysters decreased. Mortality from bonamia was about 107 million oysters (13.9% of the recruit-sized oyster population), higher than for recent surveys. Increasing bonamia mortality will slow the rebuilding of the fishery.
FAR: 2014/49;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43739-3;
ScienceStock: OYU;
Species: Oyster;
Stock: OYU5;
ResearchField: bonamia; Status of infection;
Author: Forman; Fu; Hulston; Maas; Michael;
Title: The status of infection by bonamia (Bonamia exitiosa) in Foveaux Strait oysters (Ostrea chilensis) in February 2011, estimates of pre-survey and projections of post-survey disease mortality, and implications for the projections of future stock status made in the 2009 stock assessment for OYU 5.
4855640-FAR-2012-37-infection-by-bonamia-Bonamia-exitiosa-in-Foveaux-Strait-oysters.pdf (1.3 MB)
This report presents the results from the tenth west coast South Island inshore trawl survey conducted in March-April 2011. Biomass tends and length frequency distributions for the target species and other species that may be being monitored by the survey series are presented. Information on stations, gear parameters, and invertbrates captured is included.
FAR: 2012/37;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: Ostrea chilensis; Oyster; OYU;
Stock: OYU 5;
FishingMethod: trawl;
ResearchField: biomass; biomass trends; oyster; OYU; OYU 5; target species; trawl survey;
Author: Michael;
Title: A strategic research plan (2010-15) to underpin management goals of the 2009 fisheries Plan for Foveaux Strait oysters (Ostrea chilensis, OYU 5)
10_21_FAR.pdf (285.7 kb)
A strategic research plan (2010-15) to underpin management goals of the 2009 fisheries Plan for Foveaux Strait oysters (Ostrea chilensis, OYU 5)
FAR: 2010/21;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: shellfish;
Species: OYS; OYU;
Stock: OYU 5;
FishingMethod: dredge;
Author: Michael;
Title: Summary of information from Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis, OYU 5) strategic research 2000-09: context for the 2010 strategic research plan
10_20_FAR.pdf (3.9 MB)
Summary of information from Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis, OYU 5) strategic research 2000-09: context for the 2010 strategic research plan
FAR: 2010/20;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: shellfish;
Species: OYS; OYU;
Stock: OYU 5;
FishingMethod: dredge;
Author: Michael;
Title: An updated stock assessment for Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis) for the 2008-09 fishing year
09_53_FAR.pdf (723.3 kb)
An updated stock assessment for Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis) for the 2008-09 fishing year
ISSN: 1175-1584;
FAR: 2009/53;
ScienceStock: shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: dredge;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
Author: Dunn; Fu;
Title: Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) 2009 stock assessment: estimates of oyster population size, the distribution of oyster densities, the status of bonammia infection in oysters, and status of the fishery
09_45_FAR.pdf (2.7 MB)
Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) 2009 stock assessment: estimates of oyster population size, the distribution of oyster densities, the status of bonammia infection in oysters, and status of the fishery.
Project code: OYS2008/01;
FAR: 2009/45;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: dredge;
ResearchField: Biomass; Stock assessment;
Author: Forman; Fu; Michael;
Title: The status of infection by Bonamia exitosa in Foveaux Strait Oysters (Ostrea chilensis) changes in the distributions and densities of recruit, pre-recruits, and small oysters and projections of disease mortality in February 2008.
09_32_FAR.pdf (4.5 MB)
The status of infection by Bonamia exitosa in Foveaux Strait Oysters (Ostrea chilensis) changes in the distributions and densities of recruit, pre-recruits, and small oysters and projections of disease mortality in February 2008.
Project code: OYS2007/01;
FAR: 2009/32;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: dredge;
ResearchField: Biomass; Life History Characteristics;
Author: Dunn; Forman; Michael;
Title: A survey of Bonamia exitiosa infection, and oyster density and recruitment in Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis), February 2006
\2008 FARs\08_47_FAR.pdf (7.1 MB)
A survey of Bonamia exitiosa infection, and oyster density and recruitment in Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis), February 2006
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: OYS2005/01;
FAR: 2008/47;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ResearchField: Biomass; Life-history characteristics;
Author: Dunn; Forman; Michael;
Title: Benthic macrofauna bycatch of oyster dredging in Foveaux Strait.
\2007 FARs\07_10_FAR.pdf (3.2 MB)
Benthic macrofauna bycatch of oyster dredging in Foveaux Strait.
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: OYS2001/01;
FAR: 2007/10;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ResearchField: Effects of fishing; Non-target species;
Author: Cranfield; Mann; Rowden; Wood;
Title: A survey of Bonamia exitiosa infection, and oyster density and recruitment in Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis), January 2005
\2006 FARs\06_40_FAR.pdf (4.3 MB)
A survey of Bonamia exitiosa infection, and oyster density and recruitment in Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis), January 2005
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: OYS2004/01;
FAR: 2006/40;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ResearchField: Biomass; Life-history characteristics;
Author: Dunn; Forman; Michael;
Title: An assessment of the recreational catch of scallops and dredge oysters in the Golden Bay and Tasman Bay sections of the Southern Scallop Fishery (SCA 7) for the 2003-04 fishing season.
\2006 FARs\06_10_FAR.pdf (2.1 MB)
An assessment of the recreational catch of scallops and dredge oysters in the Golden Bay and Tasman Bay sections of the Southern Scallop Fishery (SCA 7) for the 2003-04 fishing season.
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: REC2002/03;
FAR: 2006/10;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS; SCA;
Stock: OYS7; SCA7;
ResearchField: Recreational fishing;
Author: Bradley; Cole; Davey; Horn;
Title: Stock assessment of Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis) for the 2003-04 fishing year
\2005 FARs\05_25_FAR.pdf (1.7 MB)
Stock assessment of Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis) for the 2003-04 fishing year
Author: Dunn;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: OYS2003/01;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Review of dredge fishing technologies and practice for application in New Zealand
\2004 FARs\04_37_FAR.pdf (1.7 MB)
Review of dredge fishing technologies and practice for application in New Zealand
Author: Baird; Beentjes;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: ENV2000/06;
ResearchField: Benthic impacts;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Title: Foveaux Strait dredge oyster (Ostrea chilensis) population and bonamia surveys, October 2002
\2004 FARs\04_14_FAR.pdf (883.4 kb)
Foveaux Strait dredge oyster (Ostrea chilensis) population and bonamia surveys, October 2002
Author: Diggles; Dunn; Forman; Michael;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: OYS2002/01;
ResearchField: Life-history characteristics; Population structure;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Foveaux Strait dredge oyster (Ostrea chilensis) stock assessment: population and bonamia surveys October 2001, January and March 2002, and yields for the 2002 oyster season
\2004 FARs\04_13_FAR.pdf (593.7 kb)
Foveaux Strait dredge oyster (Ostrea chilensis) stock assessment: population and bonamia surveys October 2001, January and March 2002, and yields for the 2002 oyster season
Author: Diggles; Dunn; Michael; Parsons;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: MOF2001/03I; MOF2001/03L; OYS2001/01;
ResearchField: Life-history characteristics; Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Tiostrea chilensis) stock assessment, 1999
\2001 FARs\01_38_FARD .pdf (1.9 MB)
Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Tiostrea chilensis) stock assessment, 1999
Author: Andrew; Breen; Dunn; Michael;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Analysis of a survey of the prevalence and intensity of Bonamia sp. in Foveaux Strait oysters
\2000 FARs\00_32_FARD .pdf (1.4 MB)
Analysis of a survey of the prevalence and intensity of Bonamia sp. in Foveaux Strait oysters
Author: Andrew; Cranfield; Diggles; Dunn; Hine; Michael;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Effects of fishing; Life-history characteristics;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment, 1997
\1999 FARDs\99_11_FARD.pdf (1.2 MB)
Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment, 1997
Author: Cranfield; Doonan; Michael;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment, 1995
\1996 FARDs\96_19_FARD.pdf (1.0 MB)
Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment, 1995
Author: Cranfield; Doonan; Michael;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Distribution of Foveaux Strait oysters (Tiostrea chilensis) and prevalence of infection by Bonamia sp. in March 1995
\1995 FARDs\95_25_FARD.pdf (674.1 kb)
Distribution of Foveaux Strait oysters (Tiostrea chilensis) and prevalence of infection by Bonamia sp. in March 1995
Author: Cranfield; Doonan; Michael; Wesney;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Life-history characteristics;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment 1993
\1993 FARDs\93_21_FARD.pdf (479.7 kb)
Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment 1993
Author: Cranfield; Doonan; Michael;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment, 1992
\1992 FARDs\92_11_FARD.pdf (1.2 MB)
Foveaux Strait oyster (Tiostrea chilensis) assessment, 1992
Author: Cranfield; Doonan;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
Title: Assessment of the effects of mortality due to Bonamia on the oyster population of Foveaux Strait in 1990 and the outlook for management in 1991
\1991 FARDs\91_18_FARD.pdf (1.3 MB)
Assessment of the effects of mortality due to Bonamia on the oyster population of Foveaux Strait in 1990 and the outlook for management in 1991
Author: Cranfield; Doonan; Michael;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Life-history characteristics; Population structure; Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;